Cherise Greski

Cherise Greski
Certified Spiritual Educator
Intuitive Life and Law of Attraction Coach

Learn how to connect with your own Inner Guidance
and create an Automagical Life.
Call 708-466-5233 or 708-330-4055

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 Challenging Spiritually Aware Women to deliberate create their own  "AutoMagical" Life using the Laws of the Universe!



How Many Books, CDs, Videos, Courses
Have YOU Purchased Trying
To Improve Your Life?

Dear Friend,

I've been there - hundreds (if not thousands) of books, CDs, videos, websites that I religiously used to improve my life. Many of them were excellent - and I learned a lot. My life DID improve.

After spending thousands of dollars trying to improve my life I did have success. In fact, I had reached a high point (at the time) in my life - financially solid, a loving marriage, caring friends, a new business and professional acknowledgement.  

But... Then It All Changed...

Within a one week period, the rug was pulled out as I watched my world come to a screetching halt.

My name is Cherise Greski-Lesniewicz and my intent is that my story is one that will provide hope and encouragement to those who want to thrive after a particularly difficult challenge.

After all that effort of self development and with my husband's full support, I decided to quit my "secure", six figure position and start my own business.

Flush With The Possibilities...

When I went to work with my first client, I was delighted, excited and at the top of my world. While being away from my husband for a few days was challenging, I knew that the separation would be short and the financial benefits would be worth a few nights away from home.

Little did I know those few nights would turn into more than a few...

You see, the day after returning home that week, my husband had a fatal heart attack - and I never got the chance to truly share my excitement about what we had created.  

What "Good" Were All Those Self-Development
Resources Now??

For me, there were several challenges to face - of course, the 'loss' of my husband, but also my job security, financial support, insurance and almost my home. It is really difficult to be 'upbeat' when everything comes crashing down around you!

So... I went back to the drawing board and started reviewing what I really believed about myself and my life. I began to understand the spiritual aspects of all the self-development, motivational and inspirational resources I had. I started working with a life coach.

I asked myself "WHY" I attracted this into my life? WHAT was I THINKING... but more importantly... What was I FEELING?

Of course, I didn't consciously think this set of circumstances into my life. But what I WAS thinking/feeling before my husband's crossing was how to be of greater service, how to be more spiritual, how to share what I already knew with others. While he was supportive, our spiritual belief systems were different. Our relationship was strong so the likelihood of us breaking up was remote. 

Then, I Realized...

That what I was missing was the underlying KEY to the whole self-development journey. It is really a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY and always had been.

In pondering this, I realized that as much as we think we know what we want, what we vibrate to is the most important thing in our life. And, what I was vibrating to was not the same as his vibration. It was time for me to go forward on my spiritual service journey. His spiritual journey had taken a different fork in the road. His crossing over was the only way to release me to do the work I was meant to do.

It Is ALL Vibrational...
It Is All Spiritual

So, I revisited the Law of Attraction and the spiritual resources I had. And, finally embraced the spiritual gifts that I have (that we ALL have) to help others move confidently into their future from a BEING aspect instead of a doing, doing, doing one.

I also realized that all the reading, listening and doing wasn't getting me very far until I engaged a wonderful coach who helped me be accountable to ME for a change - helping me realize and keep my vibration up at a high level of positive expectation and optimism.

In Case You Are Wondering...

Yes, I still grieve occasionally about my husband. I'm physical and I do miss him from time to time. But, as I've opened myself up to the spiritual aspects of life and the laws of the Universe, I've discovered more connections with him, my guides, my angels and our loving Creator. And, in raising my vibration, wonderful things have been attracted into my life - at a time when DOING was the least thing I could have done - even if I had wanted to!

I Lovingly Invite You

Consider what your life could be if you truly understood and USED the spiritual gifts you have. If by improving your feeling about your life actually attracted the life you wanted... The possibilities are truly endless and the Universe is standing by saying "yes, yes, yes" to everything you feel about being here.

Contact me today at 708-466-5233 and discover your spiritual gifts and your own ability to have an AutoMagical life by your pure spiritual vibration of what you desire. I use numerous spiritual modalities in my work - some which are the Laws of Attraction, Creation, Allowing, Intuitive Listening, Cleansing and directing you to your own inner guidance.

Thanks for your time. I wish you peace, love, health, and abundance on your journey.

Know that you are loved,

CGL Signature

Cherise Greski-Lesniewicz
President, Aspire Higher Coaching

Challenging spirtually aware women to deliberately
create their lives one improved vibration at a time.


Join us on every Wednesday at 7:30 pm for a 20 minute interactive meditation.
Call 1-785-686-1063
PIN 121212#
August 7th 7 - 9pm
"Playing By The Universe's Rules"
6 week Telecalls - $333
Email Cherise for details
 August 22nd 10am
"The Law of Attraction
In Action"
Body Mind Spirit Expo
Visit Booth 131 for free gift
Click here for a $2.00 off entry fee coupon

August 28th 7:30pm
Profound Mystical Meditation Fellowship

August 29th & 30th
1pm - 7pm daily

Angel Encounter Workshops

Country Inn & Suites
2200 South Elmhurst Road
Mount Prospect IL

Find out how many ANGELS you have in your life!

Email Cherise for further information


September 9th 7:30 pm
"Learn To Have Fun With Your Angels"
Blue Feather - La Grange




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